Ehara i te mea he mea hou tēnei, enagri kua marama rawa ki te take o te tohatoha i ngā mahi ki te ao me te hono atu ki akomanga kē, kura kē, whēnua kē hoki. He akoranga i roto i te mahi i ngā mahi ako, engari he akoranga anō i roto i te whakawhiti kōrero, whakawhiti whakaaro ki ētahi atu, kaua ko te pouako anakē.
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
Pai rawa ngā mahi o te rā nei, ko te Puka Kūkara, Ripanga Kūkara, Māhere Kūkara hoki. Ko te rā nei te wā tuatahi i whakamahi au i te Puka Kūkara, he ngawari noa te whakamahi, kei te kite hoki au me pēhea te whakamahi ki te kura (kaua pea ki tōku akomanga i tēnei wā).
Kua whakamahi au i te Ripanga Kūkara me te Māhere Kūkara engari he nui ngā akoranga hou i tēnei wā! Mo te Māhere Kūkara, kaore au paku mōhio mo ngā tini mahi e taea ana. Kua whakarite au e rua ngā momo tohutohu mo te haerenga mutunga tau o tōku kura ki Kawhia. Ki te whakatau ki ōku hoa mahi, kaore e kore ka hiahia rātou te whakamahi me te whakaatu ki o rātou akoranga.
He pai rawa ngā mahi Ripanga Kūkara enagri nā te nui o ngā kōrero i ahua mahue i au.
Kei te hiahia au te whakarite he Puka Kūkara mo tōku akomanga me te kite mehemea e tae ana rātou, he mea ngawari noa.
Ka taea hoki te whakamahi i te Ripanga Kūkara mo ngā kohinga aromatwai a ngā tamariki, ko te painga hoki e kore ngā kohinga kōrero e ngaro mehemea e noho ana ki runga i to Drive.
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
I ngā wā kātoa, ko ngā shortcuts aku tino! Ka whakamama i ngā mahi, ka tere ake hoki ngā mahi kia nui ake tōku wā ki ērā atu o ngā tini kaupapa o te kaiako.
I'm excited to hear that you are planning on sharing your learning with your colleagues. One of the great things about the DFI (in my opinion) is that it opens our eyes to some of the possibilities and even if they aren't right for you in your classroom at the moment they are still there for you to share and or come back to at a time when they might be useful!