Thursday, 29 August 2019

Wiki 6 - Dealing with Data

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Ehara i te mea he mea hou tēnei, enagri kua marama rawa ki te take o te tohatoha i ngā mahi ki te ao me te hono atu ki akomanga kē, kura kē, whēnua kē hoki. He akoranga i roto i te mahi i ngā mahi ako, engari he akoranga anō i roto i te whakawhiti kōrero, whakawhiti whakaaro ki ētahi atu, kaua ko te pouako anakē.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Pai rawa ngā mahi o te rā nei, ko te Puka Kūkara, Ripanga Kūkara, Māhere Kūkara hoki. Ko te rā nei te wā tuatahi i whakamahi au i te Puka Kūkara, he ngawari noa te whakamahi, kei te kite hoki au me pēhea te whakamahi ki te kura (kaua pea ki tōku akomanga i tēnei wā).

Kua whakamahi au i te Ripanga Kūkara me te Māhere Kūkara engari he nui ngā akoranga hou i tēnei wā! Mo te Māhere Kūkara, kaore au paku mōhio mo ngā tini mahi e taea ana. Kua whakarite au e rua ngā momo tohutohu mo te haerenga mutunga tau o tōku kura ki Kawhia. Ki te whakatau ki ōku hoa mahi, kaore e kore ka hiahia rātou te whakamahi me te whakaatu ki o rātou akoranga.

He pai rawa ngā mahi Ripanga Kūkara enagri nā te nui o ngā kōrero i ahua mahue i au.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?
Kei te hiahia au te whakarite he Puka Kūkara mo tōku akomanga me te kite mehemea e tae ana rātou, he mea ngawari noa.

Ka taea hoki te whakamahi i te Ripanga Kūkara mo ngā kohinga aromatwai a ngā tamariki, ko te painga hoki e kore ngā kohinga kōrero e ngaro mehemea e noho ana ki runga i to Drive. 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
I ngā wā kātoa, ko ngā shortcuts aku tino! Ka whakamama i ngā mahi, ka tere ake hoki ngā mahi kia nui ake tōku wā ki ērā atu o ngā tini kaupapa o te kaiako.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Wiki 5 - DFI, Enabling Access

Ko te wiki tuarima tēnei. He nui ngā akoranga i tēnei rā. Ko te tino aronga mōku ko te āta hanga me te raweke ki ngā mahi i runga i te taupanga Google Sites.

I tīmata kē au te hanga i tētahi Google SIte i te tīmatanga o te wiki nō reira he tino akoranga i roto i ngā mahi o te rā. I ako au pēhea te āta whakarite me te whakarite tika i to Google Sites.

Here's a link of my Google Site I continued to work on today (made it on Tuesday).

Te Wāhanau Wehi

We had the opportunity today to look at other classrooms and school bolgs, which has a huge HELP in seeing examples of what I'd like to do and even some of the things I wouldn't want to do.

The things that I took on and liked was going for the simpler themes and layouts, it's so much easier to follow visually. For the younger classes it makes sense to have less words and more images or pictures.

So on Tānga Kūkara (Google Drawings) I made "Buttons" for my Site which were mainly to be big, colourful and eye-catching.

I then added the links to the pages to the photos so my students can just click on the picture and it takes them to the page with their mahi on it,

I also picked up on some more handy little tips and shortcuts which always makes my work and personal life easier.

I plan to work on my Sites more with the spare time that I get so that my students are able to engage with it in class.

I was shown how to add any site as a shortcut on an ipad home screen so that my students can easily click on that rather than going into Safari/Chrome and doing it that way.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Wiki 4 o te whakangungu DFI - Digital Fluency Intensive

Wiki 4 o te whakangungu DFI - Digital Fluency Intensive

Ānei ētahi o ōku kohinga mahi no te ngā mahi te rā nei.

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
The digital world has changed so much in the last almost two decades. Dorothy's talk this morning about Y2K and the panic of the unknown at that time, especially around technology and literally 5 years later we had things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook being brought into our lives. These things were created with slogans attached revolving around sharing, and I'm sure back then (14 years ago...) it seemed like such a way of over-sharing. It made me think of how I was sharing my work at school at the time, and I would have mainly all be hypothetical scenarios of an audience seeing my work, not any real audience, other than my teacher. Technology and the world have changed so much since the early 2000s so it makes absolute sense that share is a big part of our children and students education journey. One of the slides from this mornings talk with Dorothy really made sense to me and helped to consolidate the importance of share:

Share to finish learning. Although learning is usually considered finished when its time to share, there is actually still learning to be had with interacting with others or hear what others think of your work. 

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
GOOGLE SITES! I'd love to be able to organise a lot of my classroom planning and learning on Sites, just because its a lot more appealing to the eye. I would take a long time though to add all the links and bits and pieces. Looking forward to setting a Sites page up for my classroom!

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Multi Modal. Just wow! It's not something I would use every lesson or something like that, but definitely at the beginning of a unit to get engagement from the students and even referring back to this during and towards the end of the unit.

Ānei tōku Multi Modal Site i hanga i runga i ngā whakaaro i puta i waenga i a mātou ko Taramea, ko whaea Chaka. Ko te aronga ko te "Storytelling". I kōrerohia mo ngā tini pūkenga o Ngai Māori ki te whakaputa i ngā kōrero o ngā tūpuna, me pēhea hoki e whakahīkaka i ngā tamariki ki ngā mahi nei.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Wiki 3, Kaupapa Mātua - Media.

Wiki 3, Kaupapa Mātua - Media.

Ānei tētahi o ngā mahi i hanga au i tēnei rā i roto i ngā mahi o te rā nei.
He pick-a-path i hanga ki runga i te taupanga Slides.

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
I had an understanding of CREATE - HANGA and the purpose and importance of it in the classroom, I am a new entrance teacher after all, but after listening to what Dorothy said this morning it gave me a new appreciate of it and an understanding of it being used outside of a new entrants class but all the way through all year groups.

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
It's hard to specify what particular things that I've learned today that have made me feel more confident and capable or increased my workflow as a professional because there is so much that I've learned today. The handy little tips are always super useful, and shortcuts to make things slightly faster is always helpful for any busy teacher.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
Using the pick-a-pathway on slides seems like a really cool and interactive way to engage my students and can used for so many different areas of their learning. I'm really excited to give it a go this coming week.

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Using Google Draw is going to be so helpful with creating posters or making post more visually appealing because of easy it is, and of course the shortcuts and quick tips that we've learnt today are such cool features.

Another thing that I enjoyed discovering today was the ability to manage the People or accounts that can added or removed from my computer. I finally have an account that I can move any of my personal stuff too, i.e websites, links, email, etc. Makes me feel so much more organised.

Te Wiki Tuawhitu - Week 7 DFI

Ko te kaupapa nō Manaiakalani ka aroa i tēnei rā ko te "Empowerment". He tino kaupapa tēnei i kōrerohia, i wanangahia. Ko te whak...